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SiriusXM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time. All fees and programming subject to change.

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Please see our Customer Agreement for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes calling us at 1-80. Service will automatically renew every month thereafter and, at the beginning of your 3rd month, you will be charged at then-current rates. Offer Details: Activate a new monthly subscription plan to one or both of our (1) SiriusXM Aviation mid-tier weather package (SiriusXM Pilot Preferred or XM Aviator), or 2) Platinum Plan audio package, receive your first 2 months free, (a minimum of $59.99/mo and $23.99/mo savings, respectively) and get free activation (an additional $25 savings for SiriusXM packages (Pilot Preferred) or $37.50 for XM packages (Aviator)), for a minimum combined savings of $186.96 (for SiriusXM packages) or $199.46 (for XM packages).

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