If installation fails to start automatically, proceed by following these steps: 1. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the set-up process. Manoeuvring these huge vehicles is not easy especially when you are up against the clock and need to make sure you deliver those valuable goods in pristine condition – your reputation depends on it! Getting Started System requirements Minimum System Requirements: Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz 2 GB system memory Dedicated graphics card with 256 MB memory (GeForce 7600 GT-class equivalent or better) DirectX 9 compatible sound card DirectX 9.0 1.5 GB of free hard drive space Recommended System Requirements: Dual core CPU 3.0 GHz 4 GB system memory Dedicated graphics card with 1024 MB memory (GeForce GTS 450-class equivalent or better) Installation To install SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator insert the game DVD into your DVDROM drive. Hey, sorry for necroposting, but I'm trying to convert Scania TDS free roam map to ETS2, but no success, i got a "incorrect game map version" error when trying to open the mdb file from editor i tried version 1.0.5, 1.2.5, 1.6.1 & 1.44.MANUAL Welcome to SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator - The Game Put your Truck driving skills to the test in SCANIA Truck Driving Simulator – The Game! Once you've completed basic training hopefully you'll be up to mastering the wide variety of tasks that lie ahead. Some even appear to be completely different sides of the planet.

They don't exactly represent any particular location, a lot of the levels. Recreate the levels from scratch and put them into a "hub" world of sorts where you just have a bunch of minor roads connecting them together. However, I think the easier solution to this problem is probably the best way. Might be simpler to convert it to ETS2 1.0 first, and then upgrade it through the versions using the map editor.

However, the overworld map in STDS where you can freeroam could be ported over with a bit less effort, but most of the backend systems used in STDS have been rewritten completely in modern ETS2. So individual level maps would be a challenge to import over. The problem you would run into is that the assets used(and their naming convention) is not as easy to port over. Originally posted by Reese:It's 100% possible.