Dog bounces off red ball
Dog bounces off red ball

dog bounces off red ball dog bounces off red ball dog bounces off red ball

* I have direction guards to keep the skill shot from making the ball bounce at a bad angle. This is especially helpful with smaller paddles. 75) or a number greater than 2 if you want it to change more. The difference is then multiplied by 2 to make it greater…You could use a number less than 1 to make the change smaller (like. For example: when I receive point in direction ((180) - (direction)) if then turn cw (((x position) - ( of )) * (2)) degrees if then point in direction (-80 v) end if > then point in direction (80 v) end end OK…so explanation * The first line of code is a standard bounce off a horizontal surface * The next line of code modifies the bounce angle based on how far the ball is away from the center of the paddle. Games are more fun if you can learn skill to control them…I prefer creating a skill shot that allows you to control the rebound by choosing where the ball hits the paddle….

Dog bounces off red ball